R16: Men Describe The Sexy Thing Their Girlfriend Does Without Even Realising How Much It Turns Him On
“If a sneeze is powerful enough, it usually makes my girlfriend fart. I think she’s more beautiful every time it happens, no matter how embarrassed she is. It really never gets old, the sneeze-fart.”
— Chad, 27
Photo: Getty
“My girlfriend’s a funny person, but once in a while a joke is bound to fall flat, right? Happens to anyone who tries to make other people laugh regularly. Anyway, that’s when her brow furrows and she sticks her bottom lip out to pout and I get horny because she looks so adorable—and fuckable.”
— Nelson, 25Photo: Getty
“My fiancée has the worst voice, so she never sings when anyone else is around, even me. But once in a while I catch her belting out a tune when she thinks she’s alone and it’s so awesome to see. She really gets into it—like she’s performing on stage or something. And as awful as she sounds (I actually have to cover my ears), she looks sexy as hell to me.”
— Rhett, 31
Photo: Getty
“I love listening to my girlfriend talk on the phone. She’s so caring and attentive to her friends, and she’s pretty hilarious too. I don’t always understand what’s going on, but whenever I overhear her gabbing, I realize how lucky I am to be with such a fun, thoughtful person. And I want to take that person to bed immediately.”
— Freddie, 20
Photo: Getty
“Bad dancing can be uncomfortable to watch, unless someone owns it like my girlfriend does. She might have no sense of rhythm, but she’s tall and gangly and she has a great sense of humor. Whenever she breaks out the moves because she hears a song she can’t resist or she just feels like acting stupid, I want sex.”
— Harrison, 26
Photo: Getty
“I’ve been dating this girl who sticks her tongue out a little whenever she’s thinking about something for two months now. We could be talking about marriage equality, the presidential election, or a reality TV show—as long as she’s thinking hard enough, it happens. She has no idea I’m sitting there across the dinner table getting rock hard as a result.”
— Max, 28
Photo: Getty
“I love watching my girlfriend cook. It’s not a jackass misogynistic thing—at least, I don’t think it is—because she genuinely loves being in the kitchen. What gets me is that she lets herself get crazy messy along the way. I love catching her with flour in her hair or bits of food goo stuck to her fingers. Part of it is knowing that she’s doing it all for me—to make us something to eat. What’s sexier than that?”
— Ford, 28
Photo: Getty
“I hate reading, but my girlfriend’s a bookworm and nothing turns me on more than coming home to find her curled up on the couch or in bed reading something. When she laughs out loud to herself, it’s especially attractive. Come to think of it, I should probably buy her some funny books.”
— Jacob, 30
Photo: Getty
“I’m a sucker for hair twirling. I don’t know what I’d do if my girlfriend ever cut her hair short. I love it when she tickles her mouth and chin with the ends. Sometimes she even sniffs it a little and I think it’s hot as fuck.”
— Serguei, 22
Photo: Getty
“My long-term girlfriend started her own small business a year ago and I think she’s at her sexiest when she’s in her element at work. I love meeting her at the office and observing her for a few minutes from a healthy distance because I get to see what a capable badass she is, and how great she is with her employees. It’s sexy to watch her take charge.”
— Anoosh, 29
Photo: Getty
“Whenever my girlfriend picks her wedgie, I get so turned on. She has a hot ass and I love seeing her touch it, even for a second. She moves fast when she readjusts, but I’m on the lookout for it.”
— Pedro, 24
Photo: Getty
“This might sound weird, but I love watching my girlfriend get dressed—even more than I like watching her get undressed. The way she clasps her bra and carefully pulls the straps up, shimmies into her panties, and then points each foot as she pulls her jeans up. She’s so graceful and feminine and it makes me mad horny.”
— Tommy, 32
Photo: Getty
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