Everyone's fave kiwi ice cream 'Dessertalicious' is back!
- Publish Date
- Thursday, 10 February 2022, 9:59AM

It's back, baby!Â
Summer has shifted gears thanks to Tip Top. And given the sticky weather of late, it's much needed!
Dessertalicious was a staple in many kiwi freezers since the '90s, until about 10 years ago when it vanished like a fart in the wind... Never to be seen, heard of, or smelt again.Â
But, the ice cream queens that is Tip Top have finally given in to public demand and have brought back the classic, with a very minor change.Â
The honey-comb ice cream, chocolate mousse and sponge filling will all be combined in the new tub, so you'll get to taste the great combination with every spoonful.Â
As part of Tip Top's Crave range, the 2022 reincarnation offers "all-natural" ingredients - "remixed for today's tastes".
"We've said 'see ya later' to the fake flavours and have gone all-natural with creamy honeycomb ice cream, chocolate mousse and chocolate sponge pieces. Welcome back to the new-school Crave Dessertalicious!" the description reads on Tip Top's website.
So, add three, four, or five tubs of these to your shopping list because we're really not sure how long they'll be in supermarkets!Â
Want more? Here's a bit we love from Bree & Clint – unleashed every weekday arvo from 3PM. They're always up to something!Â