16 places you're not allowed to visit in the world
1/16 Area 51 - Probably the worst kept secret. Area 51 is the alias for a military base that is located in Nevada. Apparently the base's main purpose is research and development of experimental aircrafts and weaponry. There are other theories the base is used for analysis of UFO's and aliens.
2/16 Disney Club 33 Exclusive Club - located at Disneyland California this is the door to a highly exclusive members only club. Members including presidents of the United States, business leaders and actors can bring friends and associates along.
3/16 Mezghorye Russia - this location is reported as Russia's secret nuclear missile site. There are two battalions permanently stations here to ward off visitors.
4/16 Room 39 North Korea - This is a secretive organisation thats sole purpose is to find ways to obtain foreign currency for Kim Jong-un.
5/16 Moscow Metro 2 - a secret underground tube system which runs parallel with the public metro system in Moscow.
6/16 Pine Gap - known as Australia equivalent of Area 51. It's the only no fly zone in Australia and is used as a monitoring station... No one really knows what they're monitoring.
7/16 Lascaux Caves - located in the south west of France these caves are world renowned for their Palaeolithic cave paintings that are estimated to be over 17,500 years old. The caves used to be open to the public but have since been closed to preserve the original artwork.
8/16 Vatican Secret Archive - only a sacred few have access to the vaults of the Vatican library. If you need to read one of the books you can receive the manuscript via email.
9/16 Coca-Cola Recipe Vault - the secret recipe has been guarded for over 125 years and although the company will give access to the vault for paying people. It is widely believed that the recipe is kept far away.
10/16 Bohemian Grove - it looks like something out of a cult thriller film. Bohemian Grove is a 2,700 acre rural location somewhere in Monte Rio, California. Every summer, the club hosts a two week, three weekend camp in the woods for the most powerful men in the world.
11/16 RAF Minworth - These dome shaped structures provide communications and intelligence support to both the UK and U.S. it is located in Harrogate, North Yorkshire
12/16 Snake Island, Brazil - home to the Golden Lancehead Viper who's venom is potent enough to kill people and can also melt flesh. The Brazilian government has banned anyone visiting the island due to the volume of deadly snakes.
13/16 The Jiangsu National Security Education Museum - People are allowed to enter, but they have to be Chinese nationals due to the fact they don't want such sensitive spy information to be exposed to foreigners. Photography is strictly prohibited.
14/16 White's Gentleman Club, England - No, it's not meant to be racist. It's the most exclusive men's club in England and it only caters to the very wealthy, royalty and other men in powerful positions.
15/16 Church Of Our Lady Mary Of Zion - located in Ethiopia , and it is impossible to access because it's claimed to contain one of the most important biblical objects, the original Ark of the Covenant.
16/16 Google Data Centre - Home of big brother. This is as heavily guarded as area 51, Google's first data centre is a high security location with trillions of records of our data.
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You've heard the saying "The world is your oyster", and for the most part this is true. However there are some top secret locations around the world that you probably won't be exploring anytime in the near future.Â